Do you see a beautiful young woman, or an old hag?
Everybody sees things in a different way. A positive vision can make your life a wonderful positive experience, whereas a negative vision can make your life miserable and lonely. What would you prefer your life to be?
I could see Joe's body totally relax. The signs were all there. He was in a deepened state of somnambulism (the deep working state of hypnosis). Having been in hypnosis before, he went under easily and quickly. I knew that as long as he was open to the suggestions I gave him, things would go well and we would accomplish our goals.
As I had explained to Joe in our pre-talk, success depended on his mental attitude, which had to be: "I like the suggestion. I know it's going to work for me!" ANY other attitude would prevent him from accepting the suggestions.
Joe was always in control over his acceptance or rejection of any suggestion. As long as he was a willing participant, I could easily guide him into a relaxed state. All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis. Hypnotists are educated guides.
If I am allowed to be a guide, I will show the client how to place himself into a relaxed and pleasant state of hypnosis, and how to stay there until we are finished with our work. I will make the suggestions that he and I have already talked about, and he will decide whether to accept them or not. Afterwards, he will feel good, relaxed and have a desire to go under again.
After a person has been under hypnosis once, they become what is known as a "hypno-junkie". Hypnosis is such a beautiful, relaxed and desireable state, that it can be addictive.
So remember- IF you really want to be hypnotized AND you want to accept the suggestions, you WILL have great success with hypnosis. It all depends upon YOUR attitude.

Follow your own footsteps.
Learn from the rivers,
the trees and the rocks.
Honor the Christ,
the Buddha,
your brothers and sisters.
Honor your Earth Mother and the Great Spirit.
Honor yourself and all of creation.
Look with the eyes of your soul and engage the essential.
-the Inca Q'ero shamans