Can you be hypnotised????
The answer is yes. Anybody can be hypnotised, if you meet the following criteria:
1. You trust the hypnotist.
A hypnotist must establish a rapport with her client. This means, spending a few minutes getting to know one another. You must feel comfortable with a hypnotist in order for the session to be successful. A good hypnotist will be able to put the client at ease during the pre-talk.
2. You understand the process.
A pre-talk is necessary in order for the client to understand his role in the process, as well as the hypnotist's role. Being able to work together is essential.
3. You are truly ready for a change.
You must be there because you want to be . . . not because your spouse, parent or friend pushed you into it. No amount of hypnosis will help you quit smoking unless you are ready to quit- FOR YOU. Also, you must be absolutely sick and tired of the filthy weed controlling you, and ready to put it down forever. If you are not, then you're wasting your time. Come back when you are ready (and you will be eventually).
4. You are willing to accept the suggestions.
In an hypnotic trance, you are aware and in control at all times. If a suggestion is made that you are unwilling to accept, there is a possibility that you will jump out of trance immediately, accomplishing nothing.
5. You want to be hypnotised. All hypnosis is self-induced. If you are unwilling to cooperate and follow instructions, you will not go into trance.
A hypnosis can vary from a long, slow relaxation technique to an instant induction, depending on the circumstances and the people involved. Some methods work better then others, and everybody has their favorites. If you want to be hypnotised you can be. Cooperation is the key.